The Last Retirement Plan Practice Management Tool You’ll Ever Need

It’s not uncommon to need a little extra help behind the scenes when managing your practice. When you have multiple moving parts of your business, you’ll notice you have multiple ways of tracking retirement plan data and information.

You may have experienced one or more of these situations in your career:

  • You have an ongoing spreadsheet of prospect and/or client information that is half filled out
  • You subscribe to a robust CRM that you barely use
  • You have practice management documents that need to be refreshed
  • You pay for a benchmarking tool that isn’t easy to use and doesn’t represent your VALUE properly

Sometimes you have to work with what you’ve got. Right?

But, is it so bad to live in a fantasy world where all of these items worked together to help you run your practice more effectively and efficiently? Great news! This is no fantasy world you live in, there is a solution.

Fiduciary Decisions’ Business Management Dashboard is not just a benchmarking platform but an all-in-one retirement plan practice management tool. From prospecting, to client servicing, to practice management and benchmarking, this is how you manage your practice instead of it managing you!

Let’s dive in to some of the advanced features that will manage and scale your retirement plan practice.

Data Aggregation for All Plan Data

If you read our previous article “Secrets Revealed: Where Our Data Comes From”, you are familiar with our standard of clean data and how we source our benchmarking data. When you utilize a solution that sources clean, comprehensive and relevant data, you enable yourself to make better business decisions to retain clients and grow your practice.


Piggybacking off our approach to clean data, FDi’s industry standard Value and Fee Benchmarking suite of services provides advisors with a competitive advantage of emphasizing your specific value proposition. You can present your plan sponsor clients and prospects with:

  • A custom benchmark group specific to the economic factors that drive each Service Providers costs as well as consideration of industry where appropriate
  • Consideration of the quality of service providers
  • Assessing the scope of services being provided to the plan
  • Examine the value delivered to the plan sponsor and their participants
  • Examine fees including “extra credit” items

Go Mobile

While you might not be ‘on the go’ as much lately, your phone and/or tablet is always accessible. The Fiduciary Decisions’ Apple and Android App’s have been enhanced for meeting/hour tracking and to-do management. With mobile technology, you’ll be able to manage your practice on demand without limitations/being tied to your desktop.

To-Do’s and Workflow

Say goodbye to your spreadsheet and any other hodgepodge of project trackers you use. Track, assign and report all the work you do for prospects and clients with our To-Do’s and Workflow feature. Being able to pin point where your prospects are in their decision-making process as well as tracking your client activity and important dates can save a lot of time shuffling through documents and applications trying to find accurate and updated information.

Sales Funnel

Ever heard of lead scoring? It’s a common feature in many CRM’s that never seems to work as well as you would like it to. Our sales funnel is a process and a suite of tools to help you grow your practice. Easily move plan contacts from cold suspects to hot leads and watch the conversion as you earn more retirement plan business.

Being a top advisor requires top tier management and scalability for your retirement plan practice. When you have an all-in-one solution in your corner, you open the door of opportunity to grow. The FDI Business Management Dashboard provides top advisors with the retirement plan data and tools they need to gain competitive advantage and become a trusted partner with clients and prospects.

To learn more about the Business Management Dashboard, click here.

Or, schedule time here for a custom demo.

About Author:

Craig Rosenthal, Head of Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer

Craig Rosenthal, Head of Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer

Craig is Head of Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer for Fiduciary Decisions. In this role, he is responsible for driving Product and Partnership strategy as well as the overall messaging and marketing for the firm.

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